Friday 18 March 2011

Evaluation Draft : Question Three

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

  • Here are the results to my audience feedback in which I asked people to answer several questions on the effectiveness of them both individually and together as a promotion campaign to promote my film. My target audience was between the ages 15-24 as it was the age that I used for my Audience Research.  From the feedback I found that over all the audience was satisfied with my three products however there was a few improvements that could be made. 
  •  The audio for the trailer was the main thing that they suggested to improve. This is because my audience said they would have preferred more use of diegetic sound such as a voice over and sounds from the characters screaming as they felt it would help more to develop the narrative. 
  • Another improvement  was with the end of the teaser  trailer as whilst they, thoroughly enjoyed the climatic  tension built on watching the characters run some people had  said  that  a zoom in would of  been good in  creating more closure for the audience in  understanding and seeing the  terrified looks on the characters  face.  
  • I posted my Teaser trailer on Facbook, Youtube and  Tumblr  different forms of social networking sites so that I  could audience feedback and found it  productive  in knowing  how effective my three products were in representing the horror  genre.
    I found that many people commented on the dead bodies and found it adhered to the horror genre in making it  scary for them in how realistic the bodies looked. I also decided that whilst it was  more flexible in getting audience feedback through  Web 2.0.
  •  I wanted to also collect different forms  of audience feedback  and handed out  questionnaires  with similar  open and closed questions which I found was more useful  in clearly seeing  the  criticism  given by the  participants as well  as  how effective they all worked together. 


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