Friday 18 March 2011

Evaluation Draft : Question Three

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

  • Here are the results to my audience feedback in which I asked people to answer several questions on the effectiveness of them both individually and together as a promotion campaign to promote my film. My target audience was between the ages 15-24 as it was the age that I used for my Audience Research.  From the feedback I found that over all the audience was satisfied with my three products however there was a few improvements that could be made. 
  •  The audio for the trailer was the main thing that they suggested to improve. This is because my audience said they would have preferred more use of diegetic sound such as a voice over and sounds from the characters screaming as they felt it would help more to develop the narrative. 
  • Another improvement  was with the end of the teaser  trailer as whilst they, thoroughly enjoyed the climatic  tension built on watching the characters run some people had  said  that  a zoom in would of  been good in  creating more closure for the audience in  understanding and seeing the  terrified looks on the characters  face.  
  • I posted my Teaser trailer on Facbook, Youtube and  Tumblr  different forms of social networking sites so that I  could audience feedback and found it  productive  in knowing  how effective my three products were in representing the horror  genre.
    I found that many people commented on the dead bodies and found it adhered to the horror genre in making it  scary for them in how realistic the bodies looked. I also decided that whilst it was  more flexible in getting audience feedback through  Web 2.0.
  •  I wanted to also collect different forms  of audience feedback  and handed out  questionnaires  with similar  open and closed questions which I found was more useful  in clearly seeing  the  criticism  given by the  participants as well  as  how effective they all worked together. 


Evaluation Draft : Question Two

          How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

  • believe that my main product and ancillary text to combine together effectively in working as promotion campaign. The way in which I have done this is through having all three of my main characters on each product. Both my ancillary products work well in representing the concept of my  teaser trailer in being "  Behind the lens " in creating a documentary at night.    
  •   Through my research  I found that  mainstream production mainly  feature there famous  actors on the front of their  magazine and film poster   they are the central  image and are utilized as a means of promoting  the film. However as my production  has more of a documentary  narrative and is independent I decided  that my ancillary  text  would represent my characters as  film makers  rather then as  actors which therefore is  effective as it  creates  a visible  link between all the products and establishing the characters.
  • The title is also important when creating a promotional campaign as it has to be effective so that the audience are constantly familiarised with it. I kept the name of my name very short similar to other horror films such as ‘Rec’ and ‘The Shinning.’
  •  I believe the title of my product ‘Behind the Lens’ is effective as there is a link between the narratives of the film things  being revealed at night  unexpected and the representation and presentation of the images I used for both of my ancillary texts

Question Four : Evaluation

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Through the  development of  Web 2.0 I was able to use  social networking sites  such as Youtube 
 and   Facebook   to plan and evaluate my products effectively.

Pre Production :   

  • The Internet was a very effective resource for researching for my production tasks. YouTube as a video sharing website was  extremely useful when doing my product research; finding  teaser trailers and  film clips. This is due to the vast  change  of development of Web 2.0 technology which enables the audience to become the creators of their own media. Websites such as  YouTube  are encouraging this widespread of  development as it allows the audience to gain easy access to and form of media such as  film trailers  and upload them to the public.
  •  YouTube allowed me to view  a range of different  horror teaser trailers and understand  the conventions of the genre and develop my ideas. 
  • One of the  important forms of media  technology which was new to me was the use of Google Calender  which helped sufficiently  in the construction and planning of my production as I was able to plan ahead of  time and change dates  when  problems occurred. 
Production : 
The main form of  media technology I used during my production was as Sony HDV digital camera.  This is because it allowed  me too shoot footage in high  definition (HD) which would overall  make the image look better and more  for the audience. However problems did which occurred during whilst using this camera.  One of which was trying to create a night time  isolated setting I  found that the camera's did not have night vision so I had to re schedule filming so I could create this  effect .  One thing I did find useful  was that I twas able to replay the shots   after I had  film so that I could see if  I would have  to re shoot the scene if it was out focus. 
Post Productions :

One of the great challenges I faced during the construction of my  ancillary texts was using  Photoshop as it was a new   form of media  that I had never used before to edit pictures. I found the use of Photoshop to be   extremely  effective  as I was able to use  particular tools such as the burning tool to lighten and darken my images. I also  was able to use the layering tool  to overlap  text on to both my  film poster and magazine. 

I used Imovie to  edit  my  teaser trailer which I  found to be effective  when editing scenes together.  However one of  things I  decided to do whilst working on my  sound for my teaser trailer was to overlap  different tracks  as I  found that one of them was extremely efficient in building up tension. I also  looked at the sound effects that was   available on Imovie and  discovered that they had  sounds such as a  hear beat which I used to add more  my audience.     

 Web 2.0 allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content.FontSpace allowed  people do this  as  they were able to create  different  fonts and share them  publicly. This was usefull to me  in the construction of all three of my products as I was able to use it to search any font. In my case I was able to search fonts that were similar to the fonts used in horror films.  

  I used Blogger  through the planning and research of my three products.  I was able to record and update my blog with posts on my audience research  and product research. One thing that was  really effective in using blogger was that I was able to  use 'tags'  for each post so that it was easy when going back to find posts to update my progress and  edit saved posts. However one thing that was difficult  about using Blogger was that it was not the best form of  collecting  feedback from my audience on the outcome of my  products. In comparison to social network sites such as  Facebook.

Another media  technology I used  in the construction of my production was Free Play Music   this because the music  I had to use had to be copywright free.  The content on the site user generated and was flexible to  search the type of music  that I need  as I  had to just type in  words such as 'horror'   to find a range of music and sounds that I could use. It also allowed me to preview the tracks before I was certain that I wanted to use it .  However  the content was  quite limited so I had to additional reaserch to find other sounds and as a result  used Imovie to merge them together.

Evaluation Draft : Question One

In what ways  does your media product use  develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  Conventions of  the horror genre:

  •  When cosideing  ideas to produce my  teaser trailer I decided  once doing  my Product Research   that I would adhere to the conventions of the horror genre.This is because particuallry in horror films I found that an effective  feature is the use of hand  held camera.  Which can be shown in films such as the  Blair Witch Project, Quarantine . 
  • So that I could achieve the same effect I specifically deicded to use this  style of film as it correlated  with my ideas.  This is because  it not only  creates realism  for the audience  but allows them to to be the voyeurs  as they can imagine being the character holding the camera.   

    • A teaser trailer is used to build awareness of upcoming films and is  shorter in length  lasting 30seconds to a minute long. They  use quick cuts to create  intrigue and each shot allows the director to  show  different  scenes of  action which aims to build tension and leaves them in a state of confusion. A problem that I encountered was introducing the quick cuts too early, without enough establishing shots. I therefore added in  some pan shots of  the school and also  of  my charcters to alsoestablish them to the audience before adding the  quick cuts to  increasetension.

    Challenging conventions :

  •  I did not set out to challenge the conventions as my  main aim was to adhere to the conventions of the  horror  genre and  representing it through each product. However I challenged the concept of  a mainstream film by choosing to  produce a film that would be independent but also would be able to cross over and appeal to mainstream audience.
  •   I wanted my film to have independent qualities, and having a ‘low budget’ and limited resources help me achieve this. I feel I was able to utilize the equipment given to me to create unique style that still conformed to the horror genre but also made my trailer different to horror films that are being released today.
The teaser trailer would be produced by Bad Robot Productions an independent Film and Television Company. They have produced films such as ‘Cloverfield’ a horror film that gain great mainstream success. Bad Robot Productions  has distributed many horror films which has utilized classic techniques of the horror genre. For example many of the films use a ‘documentary’ style to convey the narrative to the audience. This was one things that I decided to maintain throughout my teaser trailer to create enigma and realism for the audience.

 Development of  Conventions   
  • Many horror films use a range of different characters both female and male. I decided to subvert the stereotypical conventions of having a male ‘hero’ through only using female’s characters. Another reason for this was because my teaser trailer was set in a all girl’s school so I found it more easier to represent my female characters as being ordinary a possible to create a sense of enigma for the audience so that when tension is built and the characters are put in danger it is unexpected.  
  • I wanted my characters to represent modern 21st century teenagers. For that reason their sartorial codes is normal casual clothing so that they are portrayed as ordinary and subverts the stereotypical view of today’s youth.

  • An audience tends to create a particular view of characters whilst watching any type of film. It may well be a negative or positive representation which leads to stereotypes. More specifically within the horror genre there are common stereotypical characters. One of the most familiar stereotypes is the vulnerable blond ‘damsel in distresses as shown in films such as ‘Urban Legends’ and is central to many of the ‘master of suspense’ Alfred Hitchcook’s films such as ‘Psycho.’ I adhered to the convention of screaming victims through a range of running shots which represented them as being innocent and  weak.    

Sunday 20 February 2011

Final Production



Tuesday 25 January 2011


Through my  Audience Research I found that my  audience   would want through my products  fonts and colours that would be constant  through each of them I learned that  many  horror  films such as  Saw 
 and several other  films had very  horrific  grim font which I wanted to to aim to adhear to . 
Through my  research whilst  creating my poster in Photoshop I found FontSpace
which allowed me to use  and test out different  fonts.
For all three I used the same  font so that  it would  create a familiarity for my audience. 

  However for my title  slates I decided to use  a different  font so   would  create a divide  between my title of my film 'Behind the Lens' and  my title  slates. This was so that  the name of my film would still remain memorable for the audience.

Monday 24 January 2011

Media Synoptic day challenges faced

During Synoptic day I aimed to get all my  filming  done however there was  few minor  problems whilst using the cameras. 

   I face many issues with the lighting of the shots. I found I had to reshedule the locations because I needed a  dark setting so that it would adhear to the  conventions of  the horror genres in building tension and enigma for the audience.

I therefore rearranged the Location shots  so that I  could  create the effect I needed for my audience.  I was able to  get the simple shots  done so that I would  have time to re shoot any other scenes.